Sunday 1 January 2017

Frontal Action On Southern Kaduna Crisis- PMB Vows

Image result for images of buhari and el rufai
Following the recurring destruction of lives and properties in Southern Kaduna, President Muhammadu Buhari in his maiden New Year message to Nigerians has promised to address the ugly development and similar ones in other states “frontally.” Apart from Kaduna, it could be recalled that there has been relentless mayhem in the states of Benue, Zamfara, Enugu, Taraba and Rivers.
“In this New Year, I want to reassure all Nigerians that our defence and security forces are more than ever before ready to perform their constitutional role of protecting lives and property in the country; and we will surely overcome all other forms of security challenges.
“The lingering security issues in several states will be frontally addressed. These ugly crises cannot be allowed to fester as they strain the unifying bonds of brotherhood and neighbourliness. Some sections of the press and some politicians should avoid provocative and inflammatory statements, while the government is painstakingly trying to find solutions to our challenges.
“I want to remind you on the first day of this New Year of an African proverb that says “it is easy to break a broomstick but not a bunch.” Nigeria is a bunch and is more than equal to troublemakers. I have interacted with a broad spectrum of Nigerians, the old and the young, and they have told me unequivocally that they believe in the unity and stability of Nigeria.”
According to the president, “The year 2017 provides an opportunity for us to build on those aspects of our national life that unite us. We are courageous, hardworking, hospitable, steadfast and resilient people, even in the face of difficulties. These are the attributes that define us and have for years confounded the pessimists who do not believe in our continued existence as a united and indivisible nation. We are a remarkable nation that has succeeded in harnessing our multiple diversities for national development. We must continue to support and tolerate one another and live together as one.”
Against this background, the president urged Niger Delta militants to drop their arms and come to the negotiating table, and for Shia Muslims in Kaduna State to embrace peace and abide by the laws of the land. “We will continue to pursue peace initiatives in the Niger Delta as I again, call on our brothers in that region who have taken to violent disruptions of economic infrastructure to come to the negotiating table.
“As for our brothers and sisters of the Shia Community, we urge them, too, to embrace peace. They must accept the laws of the country they live in. They cannot be islands by themselves. At the same time, the law enforcement agencies must treat them humanely and according to the rule of law.”
President Buhari recalled that his government has focused all of its energies since it came on board in the direction of job creation, revamping the economy, fighting corruption and agricultural transformation. He notes that there has been appreciable results in all of these, and promised further that the change promise upon which he rode to power would find greater manifestation this year.
“On our part, in the past 20 months since our inauguration on May 29, 2015, we have focused our energies to turn around the economy, create jobs, fight corruption, and transform agriculture to replace oil and gas as a major revenue earner for the nation. I am encouraged that we are getting things right.”
He said, “The agricultural revolution has begun.  Farmers in different parts of the country are experiencing bumper harvests; states are getting into strategic partnership towards attaining self-sufficiency in rice, and the era of over-dependence on oil for foreign exchange revenues is gradually waning. I am optimistic that the CHANGE we all yearned for in voting this administration to power in 2015 will manifest more and be sustained in different sectors, particularly agriculture, in 2017.”
The president disclosed that his economic recovery and growth plan in this year is anchored on optimizing the use of local content and empowering local businesses.
“In pursuit of this administration’s philosophy, we will continue to appeal that we buy “Made In Nigeria” goods. Like I said during the 2017 Budget presentation to the National Assembly, farmers, small and medium-sized manufacturers, agro-allied businesses, dressmakers, entertainers and technology start-ups, will remain the true drivers of our economic future. They are the engine of our economic recovery and their needs underpin our Economic Recovery and Growth Plan,” the president said.
On job creation, President Buhari disclosed that “This administration will sustain existing programmes aimed at lifting a vast number of our youth out of poverty, while at the same time creating the opportunities for people to fend for themselves.”
He restated his resolve to defeat the scourge of corruption. “Our determination to wrestle corruption to the ground remains unshaken. This fight, which will be guided by respect for the rule of law and due process, will not spare anybody or organ of government. It is a collective undertaking and resolve that must be seen to its logical conclusion in spite of certain distractions. The fate of our country lies partly in the success of this campaign. It will be unthinkable on my part to allow the boat of this crucial campaign promise capsize mid-stream,” the president said, noting that the current pains and hardship Nigerians are going through “are temporary and will ease when the economic seeds in gestation begin to bloom to fruition.”
He noted the remarkable efforts of the military and other security agencies in riding the country of terrorism. “I know you will join me to, once again, congratulate the heroic and gallant efforts of our military and other security agencies on their remarkable successes to rid the nation of terrorism.

“Following the successful capture of Sambisa Forest, spearheaded by troops of Operation Lafiya Dole, we have entered a new phase in our battle against our common enemy, Boko Haram.”
He expressed the hope of  seeing the Chibok school girls who are still missing, reuniting with their families. “When we see our beloved 21 Chibok girls reuniting with their families and community for Christmas, it gives us the hope that those who are still in captivity will one day return to the loving arms of family, friends and well-wishers.”
The president urged Nigerians to be more security conscious and take interest in monitoring their environments as well as aid the security agencies in the many ways they require the citizens’ assistance in the war against internal terrorism.
“I urge all Nigerians to be on the alert and watch out for strange figures settling in their communities, and report to the nearest security agencies, as our armed forces intensify the pursuit of fleeing terrorists from the captured Sambisa Forest. Misguided elements who decided to take up arms against constituted authorities must be brought to face the full weight of the law.
“The support of all Nigerians to security agencies to enable them successfully execute their mandate is crucial in our bid to effectively secure our country. Seeing the joyful return of thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to Damasak town in Borno State, following the reopening of Maiduguri/Gubio/Damasak road in Northern Borno on December 25, 2016, reassured us that the voluntary return of IDPs in other parts of the country is imminent.
“The Federal Government will spare no effort in seeing to the resettlement and rehabilitation of the unfortunate victims of terrorism and insurgency. I urge state governments, privileged Nigerians, donor agencies and countries to redouble their contributions towards this goal.”
President Buhari said his government was aware of the wrongdoings and mistakes in the handling of the affairs of internally displaced persons, IDPs and promised that all those culpable of IDPs fund diversion would face the wrath of the law.
“Government is aware of some mistakes and wrongdoings in handling the affairs of IDPs. We are taking measures to correct those mistakes and punish the culprits.