Wednesday 4 January 2017

Dems: GOP Wants to 'Make America Sick Again' With Obamacare Repeal Effort

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is ready to fight Republicans over their plans to dismantle Obamacare—and he’s got a slogan to encapsulate the effort: “Make America Sick Again.”
"Less health care and it will cost more," Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico’s Playbook. "And it will create chaos. Because you cannot repeal a plan and put nothing in its place. It doesn’t matter if you say the repeal won’t take place for year or two years.”
Schumer said the Democrats will be using the slogan nationwide during health care-themed rallies, which will start Jan. 15, as part of a new messaging campaign designed to save Obama’s signature health law.
"Our message is not just on Obamacare. Our message is don’t cut health care," Schumer told Politico. "Medicare. Medicaid. Obamacare."
And he’s confident his Democratic colleagues won’t be interested in helping Republicans rework the law.
"I’ve talked to just about every one of my colleagues," Schumer said. "Obviously they’re not going to say we won’t look at anything. But the idea of just tweaking a Republican plan that takes away these benefits, the bottom line is there is virtual unanimity in our caucus that we’re all from Missouri: Show me. If they show us a plan, and it’s a plan that we can live with, of course. But we’re not going to sit down in a room with them once they repeal and say let’s figure out a joint plan."